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Welcome to our world of weaving.


Whether you are looking for an inspiration, or you want to brighten up your home with our handwoven accessories, or you just wish to find a way to leave the everyday hustle behind, we are here for you.

Get caught in the warp and observe what happens when you quiet the mind and let your hands

weave a new story...

Gabriela & Elizabeth

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Nauč se se svým novým rámečkem všechny moje triky a začni s tkaním na workshopu. Přijď do naší dejvické oázy klidu protkané inspirací, hoď na jedno odpoledne nebo celý víkend starosti za hlavu a utkej si něco jen tak pro sebe.

Let our blog be your inspiration.

Get to know us better, learn about our projects, weaving sorrows and our achievements. We are forever looking for new techniques, unknown matterials and little weaving helpers.

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